ICO - MINERVA (OWL) 🦉 Smart Money on 💎 Ethereum

Cryptocurrency certainly has a lot of advantages. But there are drawbacks, the main one at the moment is the impossibility to buy a product or service for cryptocurrency. Sites that officially accept BTC / ETH for payment are still a few, and this is despite the hype that is happening around the crypto industry. 
What is the reason? Connoisseurs from the legal sphere will most likely wave away to the state, they say, bans on accepting cryptocurrency come from there. But what about countries where there is a liberal attitude towards start-ups? After all, there we can not pay for the Internet or overnight at a hotel in Bitcoins.
Therefore, a business does not want to accept payment for its services at BTC, and not because someone forbids it to do so, but because of the lack of a simple and convenient way to do this. All existing merchant solutions are made on the knee, are seriously vulnerable from a security point of view, and rely on accepting only one currency.
Our today's startup from Luxembourg, Minerva, solves this problem fundamentally.  

about the project

One of the main tasks of the Minerva platform is to reduce risks and minimize strong price hikes. These goals will be achieved using the volatility protocol, the main components of which will be Minerva Owl tokens, MVP ( Minerva Volatility Protocol) tokens and voting tokens. 
Remuneration for connected platforms is directly contributed to the economy as Minerva Owl tokens MVP tokens are sold during price cut episodes to temporarily reduce the current offer. 
The voting tokens are exchanged by users by “voting” at the current exchange rate of OWL / USD (US dollar). 

Minerva Platform Innovations

Minerva provides a generous reward system for businesses that accept it as payment. Having received Minerva OWL tokens, each business is given a bonus that resembles a credit card cash prize. When Minera OWL tokens are received from their customers, they are automatically eliminated.
  1. Instant liquidity via API from the relevant Minerva trade exchanges;
  2. Removal of chargebacks and exchange fees;
  3. Additional protection against sudden short-term price fluctuations;
  4. Reverse transaction fees.

Minimization of risks

(Distribution and supply model)
The reward system is designed so that Minerva OWL tokens enter the economy at different speeds, which makes an attempt to ensure that there is no demand for short-term price fluctuations. 
Speculation, money laundering, fraud, drug markets and general negative advertisements in the field of cryptography in critical situations will have little impact on their partner platform. 
Minerva tokens have utilities beyond speculative values, as they represent real value for the platform and the client, as well as agents, contractors, suppliers, creators, and so on. 
When customers pay using Minerva OWL tokens, businesses have more flexibility to offer them a discount. This is due to the fact that instead of paying for a transaction, the Minerva card is a bonus OWL marker during each approved transaction. 
Users can purchase OWL tokens from the exchange or on the market where they are sold, withdraw from any ERC20 compatible wallet and spend it on Minerva. The Minerva team is committed to exposing its platform to comprehensive security checks. 
We will implement a variety of strategies to ensure maximum transparency in the management of funds. The goal is to prove the following: 
  • All profits are recorded properly. 
  • The company owns all the declared funds. 
For each platform that accepts Minerva Owl as a payment method, we will create a view-only API key that allows anyone to check the balance and trading history of their account. To prevent abuse, monitoring and tracking of resources will restrict users from using interest rate cycles.  

ICO details of the Minerva project

  • Token Name: Minerva (OWL)
  • Total number of tokens: 100,000,000
  • Blokcan - Ethereum (ERC-20)
Token distribution:
60% ICO; 
10% team; 
10% management; 
7% strategic advisors; 
5% long-term transaction costs; 
5% affiliate bonuses; 
2% reward for finding errors; 
1% bounty.

Benefits of the Minerva project

Minerva ICO has many advantages, which makes it more and more popular:
  • The speed of translation, which is ensured by using its own algorithm;
  • The interaction is beneficial for both parties. The startup remains in the win because of the distribution of its own system. The user receives a certain commission for each transaction;
  • Low volatility;
  • The ability to interact with both Bitcoin and Ethereum;
  • Ensuring decentralization, which is achieved by the absence of third parties between transfers. 

Roadmap of the Minerva project

Minerva project team


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