MENAPAY Alternative Traditional Payment Solutions

Introduction * 
MenaPay is the new payment gateway project with electronic money on a blockchain technology platform to replace the traditional trading route. It is safe, convenient and safe to use in everyday life transactions. Currently, 2 payment gateways are accepted in MenaPay in the Middle East and Africa. 
The electronic money industry creates a new standard for income stability levels, rather than regular incentives for users and investors

Problems and solutions for using Cryptocurrency for payment * 
In the market, the price of electronic money is always coming every second minute every time. So users can not use them to pay for it. But with MenaCash, fully supported by USD (1 MenaCash = 1 USD), was used as a currency unit for the MenaPay platform's transaction. MenaPay offers easy-to-use solutions, such as desktop and mobile wallet, integrated API and SDK, console reporting and management for the seller, all with an Arabic user interface. 
How does Tunnel work? 
MenaPay generates revenue from P2P (peer peer) fees and P2M (peer-to-seller) and M2F withdrawal fee (established merchants).
Green Mining: MenaCash All transactions between Peer Merchants can be provided with MenaPay toxins.

Low transaction costs, the payment process is fast and convenient. MenaPay is a great choice for future payments. 
Information about founders, consultants, and staff * 
Most MenaPay members are talented and have lots of experience in different areas. When working together, it will know what is needed and exceeds 
These are some typical members:

Product * 
MenaPay will make a payment software built into phones and computers for the convenience of its users

Roadmap * 
MenaPay offers a very detailed path to development. The project was launched in November 2017 to deliver 420 million people, in 18 countries, as the main means of payment. The public sale of the ICO will commence on November 18 and ends in December.
Token Mechanics * -Token Standard: ERC-20 
-Soft Cap: 5,000,000 USD 
-Card Cap: 25,000,000 USD 
-Tocs issue: 400,000,000 
-Teach Sale: 256 000 000 
** They Sruthóidh for proposals sold **
signal distribution : Public participants 
  • -11%: Counselors and partnerships 
    -10%: Founder and staff 
    -10%: Initial programs and programs 
    -5%: Reservation of mining
-40% signaling distribution: Marketing 
-30%: Development and infrastructure 
-15%: Operation and administration 
-10%: Business Development 
-5%: Law 
MenaPay activities for gamescom2018 games *

MenaPay is a potential project and other block-based payment gateways are more meaningful. It helps users become more comfortable and especially Middle Eastern and African users who are easy to transfer money to other countries

More info about MenaPay: 
Common Website-:
Telegram channel-:


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